
反貪腐政策 (146KB)
股東提名候選董事的程序 (130KB)
股東溝通政策 (176KB)
舉報政策 (168KB)
發佈企業通訊 (246KB)



2024-07-02月報表 - 截至二零二四年六月三十日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (115KB)
2024-06-06公司資料報表 (GEM) (264 KB)
2024-06-06公告及通告 - 董事名單與其角色和職能 (164 KB)
2024-06-06公告及通告 - 於二零二四年六月六日舉行的股東週年大會投票結果及董事及董事委員會成員退任 (545KB)
2024-06-02月報表 - 截至二零二四年五月三十一日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (111KB)
2024-05-02月報表 - 截至二零二四年四月三十日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (110KB)
2024-04-19通函 - 致非登記股東之通知信函及申請表格 (587KB)
2024-04-19通函 - 致登記股東之通知信函及回條 (588KB)
2024-04-19委任代表表格 - 將於二零二四年六月六日(星期四)舉行的股東週年大會適用的代表委任表格 (545KB)
2024-04-19公告及通告 - 股東週年大會通告 (558KB)
2024-04-19通函 - 建議重選退任董事及建議授予購回股份及發行股份之一般授權及續聘核數師及股東週年大會通告 (804KB)
2024-04-19財務報表/環境、社會及管治資料 - 環境、社會及管治報告2023 (3MB)
2024-04-19財務報表/環境、社會及管治資料 - 2023年報 (4MB)
2024-04-02月報表 - 截至二零二四年三月三十一日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (110KB)
2024-03-28公告及通告 - 截至二零二三年十二月三十一日止年度的年度業績公告 (886KB)
2024-03-22公告及通告 - 盈利警告 (231KB)
2024-03-19公告及通告 - 董事會會議通告 (151KB)
2024-03-01月報表 - 截至二零二四年二月二十九日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (110KB)
2024-02-29公司資料報表 (GEM) (265KB)
2024-02-29公告及通告 - 董事名單與其角色和職能 (165KB)
2024-02-29公告及通告 - 執行董事辭任 (177KB)
2024-02-02月報表 - 截至二零二四年一月三十一日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (110KB)
2024-01-26通函 - 發佈企業通訊之新安排 (275KB)
2024-01-02月報表 - 截至二零二三年十二月三十一日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (110KB)
2023-12-01月報表 - 截至二零二三年十一月三十日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (110KB)
2023-11-10財務報表/環境、社會及管治資料 - 2023年第三季度業績報告 (2MB)
2023-11-10公告及通告 - 截至二零二三年九月三十日止九個月的季度業績公告 (845KB)
2023-11-06公告及通告 - 盈利警告 (224KB)
2023-11-02月報表 - 截至二零二三年十月三十一日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (108KB)
2023-10-30公告及通告 - 董事會會議通告 (141KB)
2023-10-03月報表 - 截至二零二三年九月三十日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (110KB)
2023-09-12公告及通告 - 有關截至二零二二年十二月三十一日止年度之年報之補充公佈 (519KB)
2023-09-04月報表 - 截至二零二三年八月三十一日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (110KB)
2023-08-11財務報表/環境、社會及管治資料 - 2023年中期報告 (6MB)
2023-08-11公告及通告 - 截至二零二三年六月三十日止六個月的中期業績公告 (889KB)
2023-08-07公告及通告 - 盈利警告 (225KB)
2023-08-02月報表 - 截至二零二三年七月三十一日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (110KB)
2023-07-31公告及通告 - 董事會會議通告 (150KB)
2023-07-04月報表 - 截至二零二三年六月三十日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (110KB)
2023-06-02月報表 - 截至二零二三年五月三十一日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (110KB)
2023-05-12財務報表/環境、社會及管治資料 - 2023年第一季度業績報告 (4MB)
2023-05-12公告及通告 - 截至二零二三年三月三十一日止三個月的季度業績公告 (777KB)
2023-05-05公告及通告 - 於二零二三年五月五日舉行的股東週年大會投票結果 (530KB)
2023-05-03月報表 - 截至二零二三年四月三十日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (108KB)
2023-04-28公告及通告 - 董事會會議通告 (150KB)
2023-04-04月報表 - 截至二零二三年三月三十一日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (110KB)
2023-03-31公司資料報表 (GEM) (238KB)
2023-03-31公告及通告 - 更改香港主要營業地點之地址 (147KB)
2023-03-28委任代表表格 - 將於二零二三年五月五日(星期五)舉行的股東週年大會 適用的代表委任表格 (674KB)
2023-03-28公告及通告 - 股東週年大會通告 (559KB)
2023-03-28通函 - 建議重選退任董事及建議授予購回股份及發行股份之一般授權及續聘核數師及股東週年大會通告 (737KB)
2023-03-28通函 - 通知信函 - 二零二二年環境、社會及管治報告的刊發通知 (501KB)
2023-03-28財務報表/環境、社會及管治資料 - 環境、社會及管治報告2022 (2MB)
2023-03-28財務報表/環境、社會及管治資料 - 2022年報 (6MB)
2023-03-28公告及通告 - 截至二零二二年十二月三十一日止年度的年度業績公告 (871KB)
2023-03-15公告及通告 - 董事會會議通告 (149KB)
2023-03-03月報表 - 截至二零二三年二月二十八日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (110KB)
2023-02-08憲章文件 - 經修訂及重訂組織章程大綱及章程細則 (868KB)
2023-02-08公告及通告 - 於二零二三年二月八日舉行的股東特別大會投票結果 (533KB)
2023-02-02月報表 - 截至二零二三年一月三十一日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (110KB)
2023-01-11展示文件 - 發行人剛在本網站英文版面發布一項公告,相應中文版本或會/或不會在本版面發布 (1KB)
2023-01-11委任代表表格 - 將於二零二三年二月八日(星期三)舉行的股東特別大會適用的代表委任表格 (454KB)
2023-01-11公告及通告 - 股東特別大會通告 (197KB)
2023-01-11通函 - (1)終止現有購股權計劃及建議採納新購股權計劃;(2)建議修訂組織章程大綱及細則及採納經修訂及重列組織章程大綱及細則;及(3)股東特別大會通告 (1MB)
2023-01-03月報表 - 截至二零二二年十二月三十一日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (110KB)
2022-12-23公告及通告 - 薪酬委員會職權範圍 (129KB)
2022-12-02月報表 - 截至二零二二年十一月三十日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (106KB)
2022-11-16公告及通告 - 更改公司名稱;更改公司網址;更改股份簡稱;及採納公司標誌 (533KB)
2022-11-14財務報表/環境、社會及管治資料 - 2022年第三季度業績報告 (19MB)
2022-11-14公告及通告 - 截至二零二二年九月三十日止九個月的季度業績公告 (807KB)
2022-11-09公告及通告 - 建議修訂組織章程大綱及細則及採納經修訂及重列之組織章程大綱及細則 (547KB)
2022-11-09公告及通告 - 盈利預告 - 虧損減少 (217KB)
2022-11-02月報表 - 截至二零二二年十月三十一日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (105KB)
2022-10-31公告及通告 - 董事會會議通告 (141KB)
2022-10-05公告及通告 - 於二零二二年十月五日舉行的股東特別大會投票結果 (561KB)
2022-10-03月報表 - 截至二零二二年九月三十日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (105KB)
2022-09-13委任代表表格 - 將於二零二二年十月五日(星期三)舉行的股東特別大會適用的代表委任表格 (299KB)
2022-09-13公告及通告 - 股東特別大會通告 (206KB)
2022-09-13通函 - 建議變更本公司名稱以及股東特別大會通告 (486KB)
2022-09-02月報表 - 截至二零二二年八月三十一日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (108KB)
2022-08-31公告及通告 - 授出購股權 (554KB)
2022-08-31公告及通告 - (1)建議變更本公司名稱;以及(2)更換公司秘書及授權代表 (588KB)
2022-08-15公司資料報表 (GEM) (237KB)
2022-08-12財務報表/環境、社會及管治資料 - 2022年中期報告 (2MB)
2022-08-12公告及通告 - 截至二零二二年六月三十日止六個月的中期業績公告 (878KB)
2022-08-08公告及通告 - 有關截至二零二一年十二月三十一日止年度之年報之補充公佈 (207KB)
2022-08-05公告及通告 - 盈利預告 - 虧損減少 (219KB)
2022-08-02月報表 - 截至二零二二年七月三十一日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (108KB)
2022-07-29公告及通告 - 董事會會議通告 (141KB)
2022-07-15公告及通告 - 更改香港股份過戶登記分處地址 (160KB)
2022-07-05公告及通告 - 變更所得款項用途 (602KB)
2022-07-04月報表 - 截至二零二二年六月三十日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (108KB)
2022-06-01月報表 - 截至二零二二年五月三十一日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (108KB)
2022-05-27通函 - 通知信函 - 二零二一年環境、社會及管治報告的刊發通知 (162KB)
2022-05-27財務報表/環境、社會及管治資料 - 環境、社會及管治報告2021 (3MB)
2022-05-13公告及通告 - 有關DIAMOND MOTTO LIMITED全部已發行股本及所結欠銷售貸款之主要收購事項之溢利保證 (556KB)
2022-05-13財務報表/環境、社會及管治資料 - 2022年第一季度業績報告 (3MB)
2022-05-13公告及通告 - 截至二零二二年三月三十一日止三個月的季度業績公告 (806KB)
2022-05-10公告及通告 - 盈利預告 - 虧損減少 (216KB)
2022-05-06公告及通告 - 於二零二二年五月六日舉行的股東週年大會投票結果 (564KB)
2022-05-03月報表 - 截至二零二二年四月三十日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (105KB)
2022-04-29公告及通告 - 董事會會議通告 (142KB)
2022-04-01月報表 - 截至二零二二年三月三十一日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (108KB)
2022-03-25委任代表表格 - 將於二零二二年五月六日(星期五)舉行的股東週年大會 適用的代表委任表格 (715KB)
2022-03-25公告及通告 - 股東週年大會通告 (228KB)
2022-03-25通函 - 建議重選退任董事及建議授予購回股份及發行股份之一般授權及續聘核數師及股東週年大會通告 (939KB)
2022-03-25財務報表/環境、社會及管治資料 - 2021年報 (3MB)
2022-03-25公告及通告 - 截至二零二一年十二月三十一日止年度的年度業績公告 (932KB)
2022-03-18公告及通告 - 盈利警告 (219KB)
2022-03-15公告及通告 - 董事會會議通告 (141KB)
2022-03-01月報表 - 截至二零二二年二月二十八日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (105KB)
2022-02-04月報表 - 截至二零二二年一月三十一日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (108KB)
2022-01-03公司資料報表 (GEM) (235KB)
2022-01-03公告及通告 - 董事名單與其角色和職能 (139KB)
2022-01-03公告及通告 - 授出購股權 (548KB)
2022-01-03月報表 - 截至二零二一年十二月三十一日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (108KB)
2021-12-06公告及通告 - 委任執行董事 (234KB)
2021-12-01月報表 - 截至二零二一年十一月三十日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (25KB)
2021-11-10財務報表/環境、社會及管治資料 - 2021年第三季度業績報告 (2MB)
2021-11-10公告及通告 - 截至二零二一年九月三十日止九個月的季度業績公告 (479KB)
2021-11-05公告及通告 - 盈利警告 (218KB)
2021-11-02月報表 - 截至二零二一年十月三十一日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (128KB)
2021-10-29公告及通告 - 董事會會議通告 (141KB)
2021-10-12公告及通告 - 授權代表之變更 (194K)
2021-10-04公告及通告 - 有關截至二零二零年十二月三十一日止年度之年報之補充公佈 (277KB)
2021-10-04月報表 - 截至二零二一年九月三十日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (128KB)
2021-09-06公司資料報表 (GEM) (203KB)
2021-09-06公告及通告 - 更改香港主要營業地點之地址 (180KB)
2021-09-02月報表 - 截至二零二一年八月三十一日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (26KB)
2021-08-12財務報表/環境、社會及管治資料 - 2021年中期報告 (3MB)
2021-08-12公告及通告 - 截至二零二一年六月三十日止六個月的中期業績公告 (793KB)
2021-08-06公告及通告 - 盈利警告 (212KB)
2021-08-04月報表 - 截至二零二一年七月三十一日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (131KB)
2021-07-30公告及通告 - 董事會會議通告 (136KB)
2021-07-22公司資料報表 (GEM) (203KB)
2021-07-22翌日披露報表 - 翌日披露報表-已發行股本變動 (13KB)
2021-07-22公告及通告 - 完成根據一般授權認購新股份及根據一般授權配售新股份 (215KB)
2021-07-08公告及通告 - 補充公告 根據一般授權認購新股份及根據一般授權配售新股份 (252KB)
2021-07-05月報表 - 截至二零二一年六月三十日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (519KB)
2021-06-29公告及通告 - 根據一般授權認購新股份及根據一般授權配售新股份 (415KB)
2021-06-11公告及通告 - 須予披露的交易 收購馬匹 (193KB)
2021-06-01月報表 - 截至二零二一年五月三十一日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (512KB)
2021-05-31公告及通告 - (1)業務更新 (2)馬匹育種相關業務的諮詢服務 及(3)收購馬匹 (678KB)
2021-05-28財務報表/環境、社會及管治資料 - 環境、社會及管治報告2020 (2 MB)
2021-05-13公司資料報表 (GEM) (202KB)
2021-05-13公告及通告 - 董事名單與其角色和職能 (120 KB)
2021-05-13公告及通告 - 委任執行董事 及 授出購股權 (236 KB)
2021-05-12財務報表/環境、社會及管治資料 - 2021年第一季度業績報告 (3 MB)
2021-05-12公告及通告 - 截至二零二一年三月三十一日止三個月的季度業績公告 (521 KB)
2021-05-07公告及通告 - 於二零二一年五月七日舉行的股東週年大會投票結果 (558 KB)
2021-05-05公告及通告 - 盈利警告 (218KB)
2021-05-03月報表 - 截至二零二一年四月三十日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (509KB)
2021-04-30公告及通告 - 董事會會議通告 (136KB)
2021-04-14公告及通告 - 截至二零二零年十二月三十一日止年度的年度業績公告及 截至二零二零年十二月三十一日止年度的年報的補充公告 (557KB)
2021-04-01月報表 - 截至二零二一年三月三十一日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (517KB)
2021-03-26委任代表表格 - 將於二零二一年五月七日(星期五)舉行的股東週年大會 適用的代表委任表格 (358KB)
2021-03-26公告及通告 - 股東週年大會通告 (222 KB)
2021-03-26通函 - 建議重選退任董事及建議授予購回股份及發行股份之一般授權及續聘核數師及股東週年大會通告 (588 KB)
2021-03-26財務報表/環境、社會及管治資料 - 2020年報 (4 MB)
2021-03-26公告及通告 - 截至二零二零年十二月三十一日止年度的年度業績公告 (643KB)
2021-03-16公告及通告 - 董事會會議通告 (135KB)
2021-03-08公告及通告 - 於二零二一年三月八日舉行的股東特別大會投票結果 (256KB)
2021-03-01月報表 - 截至二零二一年二月二十八日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (528KB)
2021-02-16委任代表表格 - 將於二零二一年三月八日(星期一)舉行的股東特別大會適用的代表委任表格 (497KB)
2021-02-16公告及通告 - 股東特別大會通告 (262KB)
2021-02-16通函 - 主要及關連交易-向關連人士提供財務資助及股東特別大會通告 (1MB)
2021-02-11公司資料報表 (GEM) (226KB)
2021-02-11翌日披露報表 - 翌日披露報表-已發行股本變動 (212KB)
2021-02-11公告及通告 - 完成根據一般授權認購新股份及根據一般授權配售新股份 (312KB)
2021-02-09公司資料報表 (GEM) (226KB)
2021-02-09翌日披露報表 - 翌日披露報表-已發行股本變動 (207KB)
2021-02-09公告及通告 - 完成有關涉及根據特別授權 發行代價股份收購目標公司 全部已發行股本 及所結欠銷售貸款之主要交易 (315KB)
2021-02-02公告及通告 - 於二零二一年二月二日舉行的股東特別大會投票結果 (259KB)
2021-02-02公告及通告 - 補充公告 根據一般授權認購新股份及根據一般授權配售新股份 (386KB)
2021-02-01月報表 - 截至二零二一年一月三十一日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (527KB)
2021-01-28公告及通告 - 委任內部監控顧問及進一步延遲寄發有關主要及關連交易 — 向關連人士提供財務資助的通函 (265KB)
2021-01-19公告及通告 - 根據一般授權認購新股份及根據一般授權配售新股份 (507KB)
2021-01-12公告及通告 - 進一步延長最後截止日期 有關涉及根據特別授權發行代價股份 收購目標公司全部已發行股本及所結欠銷售貸款之主要交易 (248KB)
2021-01-12委任代表表格 - 將於二零二一年二月二日(星期二)舉行的股東特別大會適用的代表委任表格 (580KB)
2021-01-12公告及通告 - 股東特別大會通告 (276KB)
2021-01-12通函 - 有關涉及根據特別授權發行代價股份 收購目標公司全部已發行股本及所結欠銷售貸款 之主要交易及股東特別大會通告 (2MB)
2021-01-04月報表 - 截至二零二零年十二月三十一日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (513KB)
2020-12-31公司資料報表 (GEM) (224KB)
2020-12-31公告及通告 - 委任核數師 (168KB)
2020-12-30公司資料報表 (GEM) (224KB)
2020-12-30公告及通告 - 更改香港主要營業地點之地址 (193KB)
2020-12-18公告及通告 - 進一步延遲寄發通函有關涉及根據特別授權發行代價股份收購目標公司全部已發行股本及所結欠銷售貸款之主要交易 (248KB)
2020-12-17公告及通告 - 進一步延遲寄發有關主要及關連交易-向關連人士提供財務資助的通函 (212KB)
2020-12-16公司資料報表 (GEM) (224KB)
2020-12-16公告及通告 - 於開曼群島之註冊辦事處及主要股份過戶登記處名稱及地址之變更 (216KB)
2020-12-01月報表 - 截至二零二零年十一月三十日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (513KB)
2020-12-01公司資料報表 (GEM) (223KB)
2020-12-01公告及通告 - 董事名單與其角色和職能 (129KB)
2020-12-01公告及通告 - 獨立非執行董事辭任及董事委員會組成之變動 (180KB)
2020-11-20公告及通告 - 進一步延遲寄發有關主要及關連交易-向關連人士提供財務資助的通函 (215KB)
2020-11-18公告及通告 - 核數師之辭任 (194KB)
2020-11-17公告及通告 - 延長最後截止日期及進一步延遲寄發通函 有關涉及根據特別授權發行代價股份收購目標公司全部已發行股本及所結欠銷售貸款之主要交易 (263KB)
2020-11-10財務報表/環境、社會及管治資料 - 2020年第三季度業績報告 (3MB)
2020-11-10公告及通告 - 截至二零二零年九月三十日止九個月的季度業績公告 (695KB)
2020-11-02月報表 - 截至二零二零年十月三十一日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (513KB)
2020-10-30公告及通告 - 盈利警告 (225KB)
2020-10-28公告及通告 - 董事會會議通告 (143KB)
2020-10-20公告及通告 - 延遲寄發通函有關涉及根據特別授權發行代價股份收購目標公司全部已發行股本及所結欠銷售貸款之主要交易 (279KB)
2020-10-16公告及通告 - 進一步延遲寄發有關主要及關連交易-向關連人士提供財務資助的通函 (215KB)
2020-10-05月報表 - 截至二零二零年九月三十日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (513KB)
2020-09-28公告及通告 - 澄清公告 有關涉及根據特別授權發行代價股份收購目標公司全部已發行股本及所結欠銷售貸款之主要交易 (284KB)
2020-09-18公告及通告 - 進一步延遲寄發有關主要及關連交易-向關連人士提供財務資助的通函 (253KB)
2020-09-07公告及通告 - 補充公告有關涉及根據特別授權發行代價股份收購目標公司全部已發行股本及所結欠銷售貸款之主要交易 (460KB)
2020-09-02月報表 - 截至二零二零年八月三十一日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (519KB)
2020-08-25公司資料報表 (GEM) (284KB)
2020-08-25翌日披露報表 (222KB)
2020-08-21公告及通告 - 於二零二零年八月二十一日舉行的股東特別大會投票結果;及股份合併及更改每手買賣單位 (281KB)
2020-08-18公告及通告 - 有關涉及根據特別授權發行代價股份收購目標公司全部已發行股本及所結欠銷售貸款之主要交易 (480KB)
2020-08-14財務報表/環境、社會及管治資料 - 2020年中期報告 (4MB)
2020-08-14公告及通告 - 截至二零二零年六月三十日止六個月的中期業績公告 (886KB)
2020-08-14公告及通告 - 進一步延遲寄發有關主要及關連交易-向關連人士提供財務資助的通函 (214KB)
2020-08-04公告及通告 - 盈利警告 (224KB)
2020-08-04委任代表表格 - 將於二零二零年八月二十一日 星期五 舉行的股東特別大會 適用的代表委任表格 (383KB)
2020-08-04公告及通告 - 股東特別大會通告 (278KB)
2020-08-04通函 - 建議股份合併 建議更改每手買賣單位 及 股東特別大會通告 (669KB)
2020-08-04月報表 - 截至二零二零年七月三十一日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (511KB)
2020-07-30公告及通告 - 董事會會議通告 (142KB)
2020-07-17公告及通告 - 有關可能收購事項之補充諒解備忘錄 (325KB)
2020-07-16公告及通告 - 建議股份合併及建議更改每手買賣單位 (394KB)
2020-07-03公告及通告 - 進一步延遲寄發有關主要及關連交易-向關連人士提供財務資助的通函 (219 KB)
2020-07-03月報表 - 截至二零二零年六月三十日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (509 KB)
2020-06-30財務報表/環境、社會及管治資料 - 環境、社會及管治報告2019 (5577 KB)
2020-06-29公司資料報表 (GEM) (556 KB)
2020-06-26公告及通告 - 董事名單與其角色和職能 (171 KB)
2020-06-26公告及通告 - 於二零二零年六月二十六日舉行的股東週年大會投票結果及董事退任 (291 KB)
2020-06-24公告及通告 - 有關可能收購事項之諒解備忘錄 (368 KB)
2020-06-15公司資料報表 (GEM) (347 KB)
2020-06-15公告及通告 - 澄清公告 (214 KB)
2020-06-12翌日披露報表 - 已發行股本變動 (203 KB)
2020-06-11公告及通告 - 按於記錄日期每持有兩股股份獲發一股供股股份之基準進行供股之結果 (299 KB)
2020-06-10委任代表表格 - 將於二零二零年六月二十六日 星期五 舉行的股東週年大會適用的第二份代表委任表格 (389 KB)
2020-06-10公告及通告 - 股東週年大會補充通告 (247 KB)
2020-06-10通函 - 建議於股東週年大會上重選董事之補充通函及股東週年大會補充通告 (655 KB)
2020-06-05公告及通告 - 進一步延遲寄發 有關主要及關連交易 — 向關連人士提供財務資助的通函 (206 KB)
2020-06-04公告及通告 - 董事名單與其角色和職能 (135 KB)
2020-06-04公告及通告 - 委任董事 (312 KB)
2020-06-01月報表 - 截至二零二零年五月三十一日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (509 KB)
2020-05-22公告及通告 - 截至二零一九年十二月三十一日止年度的年度業績公告及截至二零一九年十二月三十一日止年度的年報的補充公告 (244 KB)
2020-05-20上市文件 - 額外申請表格 (889 KB)
2020-05-20上市文件 - 暫定配額通知書 (990 KB)
2020-05-20上市文件 - 建議按於記錄日期每持有兩股現有股份獲發一股供股股份之基準進行供股及更改每手買賣單位 (999 KB)
2020-05-14財務報表/環境、社會及管治資料 - 2020年第一季度業績報告 (3385 KB)
2020-05-14公告及通告 - 截至二零二零年三月三十一日止三個月的季度業績公告 (804 KB)
2020-05-08公告及通告 - 進一步延遲寄發有關主要及關連交易 向關連人士提供財務資助的通函 (216 KB)
2020-05-08公告及通告 - 有關建議按於記錄日期每持有兩股現有股份獲發一股供股股份之基準進行供股之經修訂預期時間表及延遲寄發章程文件 (298 KB)
2020-05-05公告及通告 - 董事會會議通告 (181 KB)
2020-05-04月報表 - 截至二零二零年四月三十日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (509 KB)
2020-04-29公告及通告 - 有關建議按於記錄日期每持有兩股現有股份獲發一股供股股份之基準進行供股之所得款項用途之補充公告 (199 KB)
2020-04-27公告及通告 - 有關建議按於記錄日期每持有 兩股現有股份獲發一股供股股份之基準進行供股之經修訂預期時間表及延遲寄發章程文件 (319 KB)
2020-04-21公告及通告 - 延遲寄發通函及就主要及關連交易向關連人士提供財務資助委任獨立財務顧問 (234 KB)
2020-04-17公告及通告 - 有關建議按於記錄日期每持有兩股現有股份獲發一股供股股份之基準進行供股及更改每手買賣單位之補充公告 (306 KB)
2020-04-09公告及通告 - 建議按於記錄日期每持有兩股現有股份獲發一股供股股份之基準進行供股及更改每手買賣單位 (553 KB)
2020-04-01委任代表表格 - 將於二零二零年六月二十六日(星期五)舉行的股東週年大會適用的代表委任表格 (574 KB)
2020-04-01公告及通告 - 股東週年大會通告 (265 KB)
2020-04-01通函 - 建議重選退任董事及建議授予購回股份及發行股份之一般授權及續聘核數師及股東週年大會通告 (566 KB)
2020-04-01財務報表/環境、社會及管治資料 - 年度報告2019 (6393 KB)
2020-04-01公告及通告 - 截至二零一九年十二月三十一日止年度的年度業績公告的補充公告 (210 KB)
2020-04-01月報表 - 截至二零二零年三月三十一日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (509 KB)
2020-04-01公告及通告 - 向關連人士提供財務資助 (325 KB)
2020-03-31公告及通告 - 所得款項用途最新資料 (285 KB)
2020-03-31公告及通告 - 截至二零一九年十二月三十一日止年度的年度業績公告 (757 KB)
2020-03-27公告及通告 - 董事會會議進一步延期舉行 (188 KB)
2020-03-23公告及通告 - 董事會會議延期舉行 (194 KB)
2020-03-19公告及通告 - 補充公告盈利警告 (246 KB)
2020-03-17公告及通告 - 盈利警告 (172 KB)
2020-03-11公告及通告 - 董事會會議通告 (131 KB)
2020-03-02月報表 - 截至二零二零年二月二十九日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (509 KB)
2020-02-19公告及通告 - 董事名單與其角色和職能 (118 KB)
2020-02-19公告及通告 - 委任執行董事 (256 KB)
2020-02-03月報表 - 截至二零二零年一月三十一日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (508 KB)
2020-01-16公告及通告 - 內幕消息 (230 KB)
2020-01-07月報表 - 截至二零一九年十二月三十一日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (559 KB)
2019-12-02月報表 - 截至二零一九年十一月三十日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (557 KB)
2019-11-13財務報表/環境、社會及管治資料 - 2019年第三季度業績報告 (7806 KB)
2019-11-08公告及通告 - 截至二零一九年九月三十日止九個月的季度業績公告 (555 KB)
2019-11-06月報表 - 截至二零一九年十月三十一日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (509 KB)
2019-10-28公告及通告 - 董事會會議通告 (180 KB)
2019-10-02月報表 - 截至二零一九年九月三十日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (559 KB)
2019-09-04月報表 - 截至二零一九年八月三十一日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (559 KB)
2019-08-19公司資料報表 (創業板) (795 KB)
2019-08-19公告及通告 - 更改香港主要營業地點之地址 (190 KB)
2019-08-13財務報表/環境、社會及管治資料 - 2019年中期報告 (5914 KB)
2019-08-10公告及通告 - 截至二零一九年六月三十日止六個月的中期業績公告 (740 KB)
2019-08-06月報表 - 截至二零一九年七月三十一日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (557 KB)
2019-07-29公告及通告 - 董事會會議通告 (178 KB)
2019-07-03月報表 - 截至二零一九年六月三十日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (555 KB)
2019-06-04月報表 - 截至二零一九年五月三十一日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (555 KB)
2019-05-23公告及通告 - 委任合規顧問 (209 KB)
2019-05-14財務報表/環境、社會及管治資料 - 環境、社會及管治報告2018 (5252 KB)
2019-05-14財務報表/環境、社會及管治資料 - 2019年第一季度業績報告 (5271 KB)
2019-05-14公告及通告 - 截至二零一九年三月三十一日止三個月的季度業績公告 (545 KB)
2019-05-10公告及通告 - 董事名單與其角色和職能 (114 KB)
2019-05-10公告及通告 - 於二零一九年五月十日舉行的 股東週年大會投票結果 及 董事退任 (276 KB)
2019-05-07月報表 - 截至二零一九年四月三十日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (585 KB)
2019-04-30公告及通告 - 董事會會議通告 (179 KB)
2019-04-03月報表 - 截至二零一九年三月三十一日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (555 KB)
2019-03-29委任代表表格 - 將於二零一九年五月十日(星期五)舉行的股東週年大會適用的代表委任表格 (365 KB)
2019-03-29公告及通告 - 股東週年大會通告 (246 KB)
2019-03-29通函 - 建議重選退任董事 及 建議授予購回股份及發行股份 之一般授權 及 續聘核數師 及 股東週年大會通告 (527 KB)
2019-03-29財務報表/環境、社會及管治資料 - 年度報告2018 (8927 KB)
2019-03-26公告及通告 - 截至二零一八年十二月三十一日止年度的年度業績公告 (803 KB)
2019-03-20公告及通告 - 盈利警告 (231 KB)
2019-03-13公告及通告 - 董事會會議通告 (179 KB)
2019-03-04月報表 - 截至二零一九年二月二十八日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (555 KB)
2019-02-28公告及通告 - 合規顧問辭任 (213 KB)
2019-02-04月報表 - 截至二零一九年一月三十一日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (464 KB)
2019-01-04月報表 - 截至二零一八年十二月三十一日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (464 KB)
2018-12-06月報表 - 截至二零一八年十一月三十日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (464 KB)
2018-11-13財務報表/環境、社會及管治資料 - 2018年第三季度業績報告 (6223 KB)
2018-11-09公告及通告 - 截至二零一八年九月三十日止九個月的季度業績公告 (652 KB)
2018-11-05公告及通告 - 盈利警告 (228 KB)
2018-11-02月報表 - 截至二零一八年十月三十一日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (464 KB)
2018-10-26公告及通告 - 董事會會議通告 (176 KB)
2018-10-02月報表 - 截至二零一八年九月三十日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (464 KB)
2018-09-14公司資料報表 (創業板) (200 KB)
2018-09-14公告及通告 - 董事名單與其角色和職能 (121 KB)
2018-09-14公告及通告 - 更換董事或重要行政職能或董事委員會組成變動 (258 KB)
2018-09-05月報表 - 截至二零一八年八月三十一日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (464 KB)
2018-08-24公司資料報表 (創業板) (261 KB)
2018-08-24公告及通告 - 董事名單與其角色和職能 (126 KB)
2018-08-24公告及通告 - 非執行董事的辭任及委任 (267 KB)
2018-08-13財務報表/環境、社會及管治資料 - 2018年中期報告 (2519 KB)
2018-08-07公告及通告 - 截至二零一八年六月三十日止六個月的中期業績公告 (804 KB)
2018-08-06月報表 - 截至二零一八年七月三十一日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (464 KB)
2018-08-02公告及通告 - 盈利警告 (233 KB)
2018-07-23公告及通告 - 董事會會議通告 (176 KB)
2018-07-03公告及通告 - 更改香港主要營業地點 (180 KB)
2018-07-03月報表 - 截至二零一八年六月三十日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (464 KB)
2018-06-26公司資料報表 (創業板) (259 KB)
2018-06-26公告及通告 - 董事名單與其角色和職能 (125 KB)
2018-06-26公告及通告 - 委任執行董事及非執行董事 (266 KB)
2018-06-04月報表 - 截至二零一八年五月三十一日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (541 KB)
2018-05-14財務報表/環境、社會及管治資料 - 2018年第一季度業績報告 (2772 KB)
2018-05-14公告及通告 - 截至二零一八年三月三十一日止三個月的季度業績公告 (501 KB)
2018-05-11公告及通告 - 於二零一八年五月十一日舉行的股東週年大會投票結果 (251 KB)
2018-05-08公告及通告 - 盈利警告 (230 KB)
2018-05-07月報表 - 截至二零一八年四月三十日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (464 KB)
2018-04-30公告及通告 - 董事會會議通告 (175 KB)
2018-04-04月報表 - 截至二零一八年三月三十一日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (464 KB)
2018-03-29委任代表表格 - 二零一八年五月十一日(星期五)舉行的股東週年大會適用的代表委任表格 (353 KB)
2018-03-29公告及通告 - 股東週年大會通告 (273 KB)
2018-03-29通函 - 建議重選退任董事 及 建議授予購回股份及發行股份 之一般授權 及 續聘核數師 及 股東週年大會通告 (472 KB)
2018-03-29財務報表/環境、社會及管治資料 - 年度報告2017 (2461 KB)
2018-03-28公告及通告 - 截至二零一七年十二月三十一日止年度的年度業績公告 (758 KB)
2018-03-15公告及通告 - 董事會會議通告 (176 KB)
2018-03-12公告及通告 - 盈利警告 (225 KB)
2018-03-05月報表 - 截至二零一八年二月二十八日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (464 KB)
2018-02-05月報表 - 截至二零一八年一月三十一日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (464 KB)
2018-01-04月報表 - 截至二零一七年十二月三十一日止之股份發行人的證券變動月報表 (465 KB)
2017-12-15公告及通告 - 股東通訊政策 (400 KB)
2017-12-15公告及通告 - 舉報政策 (541 KB)
2017-12-15公告及通告 - 董事會成員多元化政策 (437 KB)
2017-12-15公告及通告 - 企業管制職權範圍 (139 KB)
2017-12-14公告及通告 - 股東提名人選參選本公司董事的程序 (101 KB)
2017-12-14公司資料報表 (創業板) (276 KB)
2017-12-14憲章文件 - 經修訂及重列組織章程大綱 (934 KB)
2017-12-14公告及通告 - 薪酬委員會的職權範圍 (445 KB)
2017-12-14公告及通告 - 提名委員會的職權範圍 (419 KB)
2017-12-14公告及通告 - 審核委員會的職權範圍 (510 KB)
2017-12-14公告及通告 - 董事名單及其角色與職能 (147 KB)
2017-12-14公告及通告 - 配發結果 (698 KB)
2017-11-30上市文件 - 綠色申請表格 (867 KB)
2017-11-30上市文件 - 黃色申請表格 (1.4 MB)
2017-11-30上市文件 - 白色申請表格 (1.3 MB)
2017-11-30上市文件 - 以股份發售方式在香港聯合交易所有限公司創業板上市 (9.0 MB)
2017-11-30公告及通告 - 以股份發售方式在香港聯合交易所有限公司創業板上市 (447 KB)


  Corporate Governance Policies



  Announcement & Notice

2024-07-02Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 30 June 2024 (64KB)
2024-06-06Announcements and Notices - List of Directors and their Role and Function (90 KB)
2024-06-06Announcements and Notices - Poll Results of Annual General Meeting Held on 06 June 2024 and Retirement of Director and Member of Board Committees (456KB)
2024-06-02Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 May 2024 (63KB)
2024-05-02Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 30 April 2024 (63KB)
2024-04-19Circulars - Notification Letter And Request Form to Non-Registered Shareholders (587KB)
2024-04-19Circulars - Notification Letter And Request Form to Registered Shareholders (588KB)
2024-04-19Proxy Forms - Form of Proxy for the Annual General Meeting to be held on Thursday 5 June 2024 (232KB)
2024-04-19Announcements and Notices - Notice of Annual General Meeting (95KB)
2024-04-19Circulars - Proposed Re-election of Retiring Directors and Proposed Granting of General Mandates to Repurchase Shares and to Issue Shares and Re-appointment of the Auditor and Notice of Annual General Meeting (175KB)
2024-04-19Financial Statements/ESG Information - Environmental Social and Governance Report 2023 (3MB)
2024-04-19Financial Statements/ESG Information - Annual Report 2023 (4MB)
2024-04-02Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 March 2024 (63KB)
2024-03-28Announcements and Notices - Announcement of Annual Results for the Year Ended 31 December 2023 (577 KB)
2024-03-22Announcements and Notices - Profit Warning (170KB)
2024-03-19Announcements and Notices - Notice of Board Meeting (132KB)
2024-03-01Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 29 February 2024 (63KB)
2024-02-29Company Information Sheet (GEM) (168KB)
2024-02-29Announcements and Notices - List of Directors and their Role and Function (92KB)
2024-02-29Announcements and Notices - Resignation of Executive Director (135KB)
2024-02-02Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 January 2024 (135KB)
2024-01-26Circulars - New Arrangements on Dissemination of Corporate Communications (275KB)
2024-01-02Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 December 2023 (63KB)
2023-12-01Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 30 November 2023 (63KB)
2023-11-10Financial Statements/ESG Information - Third Quarterly Report 2023 (2MB)
2023-11-10Announcements and Notices - Announcement of Quarterly Results for the Nine Months Ended 30 September 2023 (550KB)
2023-11-06Announcements and Notices - Profit Warning (160KB)
2023-11-02Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 October 2023 (63KB)
2023-10-30Announcements and Notices - Notice of Board Meeting (118KB)
2023-10-03Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 30 September 2023 (63KB)
2023-09-12Announcements and Notices - Supplemental Announcement in Relation to Annual Report for the Year Ended 31 December 2022 (450KB)
2023-09-04Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 August 2023 (63KB)
2023-08-11Financial Statements/ESG Information - Interim Report 2023 (6MB)
2023-08-11Announcements and Notices - Announcement of Interim Results for the Six Months Ended 30 June 2023 (586KB)
2023-08-07Announcements and Notices - Profit Warning (170KB)
2023-08-02Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 July 2023 (63KB)
2023-07-31Announcements and Notices - Notice of Board Meeting (132KB)
2023-07-04Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 30 June 2023 (63KB)
2023-06-02Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 May 2023 (63KB)
2023-05-12Financial Statements/ESG Information - First Quarterly Report 2023 (4MB)
2023-05-12Announcements and Notices - Announcement of Quarterly Results for the Three Months Ended 31 March 2023 (543KB)
2023-05-05Announcements and Notices - Poll Results of Annual General Meeting Held on 5 May 2023 (454KB)
2023-05-03Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 30 April 2023 (63KB)
2023-04-28Announcements and Notices - Notice of Board Meeting (126KB)
2023-04-04Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 March 2023 (63KB)
2023-03-31Company Information Sheet (GEM) (115KB)
2023-03-31Announcements and Notices - Change of Address of the Principal Place of Business in Hong Kong (127KB)
2023-03-28Proxy Forms - Form of Proxy for the Annual General Meeting to be held on Friday 5 May 2023 (229KB)
2023-03-28Announcements and Notices - Notice of Annual General Meeting (88KB)
2023-03-28Circulars - Proposed Re-election of Retiring Directors and Proposed Granting of General Mandates to Repurchase Shares and to Issue Shares and Re-appointment of the Auditor and Notice of Annual General Meeting (177KB)
2023-03-28Circulars - Notification Letter- Notice of Publication of Environmental Social and Governance Report 2022 (501KB)
2023-03-28Financial Statements/ESG Information - Environmental Social and Governance Report 2022 (2MB)
2023-03-28Financial Statements/ESG Information - Annual Report 2022 (6MB)
2023-03-28Announcements and Notices - Announcement of Annual Results for the Year Ended 31 December 2022 (583 KB)
2023-03-15Announcements and Notices - Notice of Board Meeting (126KB)
2023-03-03Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 28 February 2023 (63KB)
2023-02-08Constitutional Documents - Amended and Restated Memorandum and Articles of Association (205KB)
2023-02-08Announcements and Notices - Poll Result of Extraordinary General Meeting Held on 8 February 2023 (456KB)
2023-02-02Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 January 2023 (62KB)
2023-01-11Documents on Display - Share Option Scheme (525KB)
2023-01-11Proxy Forms - Form of Proxy for the Extraordinary General Meeting to be Held on Wednesday, 8 February 2023 (228KB)
2023-01-11Announcements and Notices - Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting (93KB)
2023-01-11Circulars - (1) Termination of Existing Share Option Scheme And Proposed Adoption of the New Share Option Scheme; (2) Proposed Amendments to the Memorandum and Articles of Association and Adoption of the Amended and Restated Memorandum and Articles of Association; and (3) Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting (476KB)
2023-01-03Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 December 2022 (62KB)
2022-12-23Announcements and Notices - Terms of Reference for the Remuneration Committee (122KB)
2022-12-02Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 30 November 2022 (59KB)
2022-11-16Announcements and Notices - Change of Company Name; Change of Company Website; Change of Stock Short Name; And Adoption of Company Logo (466KB)
2022-11-14Financial Statements/ESG Information - Third Quarterly Report 2022 (19MB)
2022-11-14Announcements and Notices - Announcement of Quarterly Results for the Nine Months Ended 30 September 2022 (510KB)
2022-11-09Announcements and Notices - Proposed Amendments to the Memorandum and Articles of Association and Adoption of the Amended and Restated Memorandum and Articles of Association (418KB)
2022-11-09Announcements and Notices - Profit Alert - Reduction in Loss (190KB)
2022-11-02Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 October 2022 (60KB)
2022-10-31Announcements and Notices - Notice of Board Meeting (117KB)
2022-10-05Announcements and Notices - Poll Result of Extraordinary General Meeting Held on 5 October 2022 (57KB)
2022-10-03Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 30 September 2022 (60KB)
2022-09-13Proxy Forms - Form of Proxy for the Extraordinary General Meeting to be Held on Wednesday, 5 October 2022 (202KB)
2022-09-13Announcements and Notices - Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting (66KB)
2022-09-13Circulars - Proposed Change of Company Name and Notice of EGM (122KB)
2022-09-02Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 August 2022 (59KB)
2022-08-31Announcements and Notices - Grant of Share Options (422KB)
2022-08-31Announcements and Notices - (1)Proposed Change of Company Name; And (2)Change of Company Secretary And Authorised Representative (428KB)
2022-08-15Company Information Sheet (GEM) (115KB)
2022-08-12Financial Statements/ESG Information - Interim Report 2022 (2MB)
2022-08-12Announcements and Notices - Announcement of Interim Results for the Six Months Ended 30 June 2022 (554KB)
2022-08-08Announcements and Notices - Supplemental Announcement in Relation to Annual Report for the Year Ended 31 December 2021 (132KB)
2022-08-05Announcements and Notices - Profit Alert - Reduction in Loss (190KB)
2022-08-02Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 July 2022 (59KB)
2022-07-29Announcements and Notices - Notice of Board Meeting (137KB)
2022-07-15Announcements and Notices - Change of Address of Hong Kong Branch Share Registrar and Transfer Office (139KB)
2022-07-05Announcements and Notices - Change in Use of Proceeds (431KB)
2022-07-04Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 30 June 2022 (60KB)
2022-06-01Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 May 2022 (59KB)
2022-05-27Circulars - Notification Letter- Notice of Publication of Environmental Social and Governance Report 2021 (162KB)
2022-05-27Financial Statements/ESG Information - Environmental Social and Governance Report 2021 (3MB)
2022-05-13Announcements and Notices - Profit Guarantee in Relation to the Major Acquisition of the Entire Issued Share Capital of and Sale Loans Due By Diamond Motto Limited (419KB)
2022-05-13Financial Statements/ESG Information - First Quarterly Report 2022 (3MB)
2022-05-13Announcements and Notices - Announcement of Quarterly Results for the Three Months Ended 31 March 2022 (509KB)
2022-05-10Announcements and Notices - Profit Alert - Reduction in Loss (190KB)
2022-05-06Announcements and Notices - Poll Results of Annual General Meeting Held on 6 May 2022 (427KB)
2022-05-03Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 30 April 2022 (59KB)
2022-04-29Announcements and Notices - Notice of Board Meeting (117KB)
2022-04-01Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 March 2022 (59KB)
2022-03-25Proxy Forms - Form of Proxy for the Annual General Meeting to be held on Friday 6 May 2022 (201KB)
2022-03-25Announcements and Notices - Notice of Annual General Meeting (68KB)
2022-03-25Circulars - Proposed Re-election of Retiring Directors and Proposed Granting of General Mandates to Repurchase Shares and to Issue Shares and Re-appointment of the Auditor and Notice of Annual General Meeting (161KB)
2022-03-25Financial Statements/ESG Information - Annual Report 2021 (3MB)
2022-03-25Announcements and Notices - Announcement of Annual Results for the Year Ended 31 December 2021 (569 KB)
2022-03-18Announcements and Notices - Profit Warning (152KB)
2022-03-15Announcements and Notices - Notice of Board Meeting (112KB)
2022-03-01Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 28 February 2022 (60KB)
2022-02-04Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 January 2022 (59KB)
2022-01-03Company Information Sheet (GEM) (115KB)
2022-01-03Announcements and Notices - List of Directors and their Role and Function (76KB)
2022-01-03Announcements and Notices - Grant of Share Options (419KB)
2022-01-03Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 December 2021 (59KB)
2021-12-06Announcements and Notices - Appointment of Executive Director (52 KB)
2021-12-01Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 30 November 2021 (59KB)
2021-11-10Financial Statements/ESG Information - Third Quarterly Report 2021 (2MB)
2021-11-10Announcements and Notices - Announcement of Quarterly Results for the Nine Months Ended 30 September 2021 (514KB)
2021-11-05Announcements and Notices - Profit Warning (152KB)
2021-11-02Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 October 2021 (60KB)
2021-10-29Announcements and Notices - Notice of Board Meeting (118KB)
2021-10-12Announcements and Notices - Change of Authorised Representative (133KB)
2021-10-04Announcements and Notices - Supplemental Announcement in Relation to Annual Report for the Year Ended 31 December 2020 (171KB)
2021-10-04Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 30 September 2021 (60KB)
2021-09-06Company Information Sheet (GEM) (94KB)
2021-09-06Announcements and Notices - Change of Address of the Principal Place of Business in Hong Kong (116KB)
2021-09-02Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 August 2021 (60KB)
2021-08-12Financial Statements/ESG Information - Interim Report 2021 (3MB)
2021-08-12Announcements and Notices - Announcement of Interim Results for the Six Months Ended 30 June 2021 (470KB)
2021-08-06Announcements and Notices - Profit Warning (148KB)
2021-08-04Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 July 2021 (62KB)
2021-07-30Announcements and Notices - Notice of Board Meeting (115KB)
2021-07-22Company Information Sheet (GEM) (94KB)
2021-07-22Next Day Disclosure Returns - Next Day Disclosure Return-changes in issued share capital (31KB)
2021-07-22Announcements and Notices - Completion of Subscriptions of New Shares under General Mandate and Placing of New Shares under General Mandate (63KB)
2021-07-08Announcements and Notices - Supplemental Announcement Subscriptions of New Shares under General Mandate And Placing of New Shares under General Mandate (104KB)
2021-07-05Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 30 June 2021 (444KB)
2021-06-29Announcements and Notices - Subscriptions of New Shares under General Mandate And Placing of New Shares under General Mandate (175KB)
2021-06-11Announcements and Notices - Discloseable Transaction Acquisitions of Horses (49KB)
2021-06-01Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 May 2021 (435KB)
2021-05-31Announcements and Notices - (1)Business Update (2)Advisory Services on Horse Breeding Related Business And (3)Acquisitions of Horses (463KB)
2021-05-28Financial Statements/ESG Information - Environmental Social and Governance Report 2020 (2 MB)
2021-05-13Company Information Sheet (GEM) (94KB)
2021-05-13Announcements and Notices - List of Directors and their Role and Function (70KB)
2021-05-13Announcements and Notices - Appointment of Executive Director and Grant of Share Options (68KB)
2021-05-12Financial Statements/ESG Information - First Quarterly Report 2021 (3 MB)
2021-05-12Announcements and Notices - Announcement of Quarterly Results for the Three Months Ended 31 March 2021 (235 KB)
2021-05-07Announcements and Notices - Poll Results of Annual General Meeting Held on 7 May 2021 (423 KB)
2021-05-05Announcements and Notices - Profit Warning (124KB)
2021-05-03Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 30 April 2021 (429KB)
2021-04-30Announcements and Notices - Notice of Board Meeting (114KB)
2021-04-14Announcements and Notices - Supplemental Announcement to the Annual Results Announcement for the Year Ended 31 December 2020 and the Annual Report for the Yeae Ended 31 December 2020 (419KB)
2021-04-01Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 March 2021 (462KB)
2021-03-26Proxy Forms - Form of Proxy for the Annual General Meeting to be held on Friday 7 May 2021 (203 KB)
2021-03-26Announcements and Notices - Notice of Annual General Meeting (67 KB)
2021-03-26Circulars - Proposed Re-election of Retiring Directors and Proposed Granting of General Mandates to Repurchase Shares and to Issue Shares and Re-appointment of the Auditor and Notice of Annual General Meeting (166 KB)
2021-03-26Financial Statements/ESG Information - Annual Report 2020 (4 MB)
2021-03-26Announcements and Notices - Announcement of Annual Results for the Year Ended 31 December 2020 (295 KB)
2021-03-16Announcements and Notices - Notice of Board Meeting (113KB)
2021-03-08Announcements and Notices - Poll Result of Extraordinary General Meeting Held on 8 March 2021 (57KB)
2021-03-01Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 28 February 2021 (470KB)
2021-02-16Proxy Forms - Form of Proxy for the Extraordinary General Meeting to be Held on Monday, 8 March 2021 (110KB)
2021-02-16Announcements and Notices - Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting (67KB)
2021-02-16Circulars - Major and Connected Transaction - Provision of Financial Assistance to Connected Person and Notice of EGM(663KB)
2021-02-11Company Information Sheet (GEM) (113KB)
2021-02-11Next Day Disclosure Returns - Next Day Disclosure Return-changes in issued share capital (203KB)
2021-02-11Announcements and Notices - Completion of Subscription of New Shares under General Mandate and Placing of New Shares under General Mandate (65KB)
2021-02-09Company Information Sheet (GEM) (113KB)
2021-02-09Next Day Disclosure Returns - Next Day Disclosure Return-changes in issued share capital (195KB)
2021-02-09Announcements and Notices - Completion of Major Transaction in Relation to the Acquisition of the Entire Issued Share Capital of and Sale Loans Due By the Target Company Involving Issue of Consideration Shares Under Specific Mandate (64KB)
2021-02-02Announcements and Notices - Poll Result of Extraordinary General Meeting Held on 2 February 2021 (57KB)
2021-02-02Announcements and Notices - Supplemental Announcement Subscription of New Shares under General Mandate and Placing of New Shares under General Mandate (84KB)
2021-02-01Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 January 2021 (466KB)
2021-01-28Announcements and Notices - Appointment of Internal Control Adviser and Further Delay in Despatch of Circular Relating to Major And Connected Transactions - Provision of Financial Assistance to Connected Person (55KB)
2021-01-19Announcements and Notices - Subscription of New Shares under General Mandate and Placing of New Shares under General Mandate (134KB)
2021-01-12Announcements and Notices - Further Extension of Long Stop Date Major Transaction in Relation to the Acquisition of the Entire Issued Share Capital of and Sale Loans Due By the Target Company Involving Issue of Consideration Shares under Specific Mandate (50KB)
2021-01-12Proxy Forms - Form of Proxy for the Extraordinary General Meeting to be Held on Tuesday, 2 February 2021 (110KB)
2021-01-12Announcements and Notices - Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting (60KB)
2021-01-12Circulars - Major Transaction in Relation to the Acquisition of the Entire Issued Share Capital of and Sale Loans Due By the Target Company Involving Issue of Consideration Shares under Specific Mandate and Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting (890KB)
2021-01-04Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 December 2020 (448KB)
2020-12-31Company Information Sheet (GEM) (112KB)
2020-12-31Announcements and Notices - Appointment of Auditor (130KB)
2020-12-30Company Information Sheet (GEM) (112KB)
2020-12-30Announcements and Notices - Change of Address of the Principal Place of Business in Hong Kong (125KB)
2020-12-18Announcements and Notices - Further Delay in Despatch of Circular Major Transaction in Relation to the Acquisition of the Entire Issued Share Capital of and Sale Loans Due By the Target Company Involving Issue of Consideration Shares under Specific Mandate (51KB)
2020-12-17Announcements and Notices - Further Delay in Despatch of Circular Relating to Major And Connected Transactions - Provision of Financial Assistance to Connected Person (40KB)
2020-12-16Company Information Sheet (GEM) (112KB)
2020-12-16Announcements and Notices - Change of Registered Office and Change of Name and Address of Principal Share Registrar and Transfer Office In the Cayman Islands (132KB)
2020-12-01Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 30 November 2020 (447KB)
2020-12-01Company Information Sheet (GEM) (112KB)
2020-12-01Announcements and Notices - List of Directors and their Role and Function (74KB)
2020-12-01Announcements and Notices - Resignation of Independent Non-Executive Director And Change in Composition of The Board Committees (132KB)
2020-11-20Announcements and Notices - Further Delay in Despatch of Circular Relating to Major And Connected Transactions - Provision of Financial Assistance to Connected Person (40KB)
2020-11-18Announcements and Notices - Resignation of Auditor (139KB)
2020-11-17Announcements and Notices - Extension of Long Stop Date and Further Delay in Despatch of Circular Major Transaction in Relation to the Acquisition of the Entire Issued Share Capital of and Sale Loans Due By the Target Company Involving Issue of Consideration Shares under Specific Mandate (53KB)
2020-11-10Financial Statements/ESG Information - Third Quarterly Report 2020 (3MB)
2020-11-10Announcements and Notices - Announcement of Quarterly Results for the Nine Months Ended 30 September 2020 (490KB)
2020-11-02Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 October 2020 (446KB)
2020-10-30Announcements and Notices - Profit Warning (130KB)
2020-10-28Announcements and Notices - Notice of Board Meeting (116KB)
2020-10-20Announcements and Notices - Delay in Despatch of Circular Major Transaction in Relation to the Acquisition of the Entire Issued Share Capital of and Sale Loans Due By the Target Company Involving Issue of Consideration Shares under Specific Mandate (99KB)
2020-10-16Announcements and Notices - Further Delay in Despatch of Circular Relating to Major And Connected Transactions - Provision of Financial Assistance to Connected Person (40KB)
2020-10-05Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 30 September 2020 (444KB)
2020-09-28Announcements and Notices - Clarification Announcement Major Transaction in Relation to the Acquisition of the Entire Issued Share Capital of and Sale Loans Due by the Targer Company Involving Issue of Consideration Shares under Specific Mandate (57KB)
2020-09-18Announcements and Notices - Further Delay in Despatch of Circular Relating to Major And Connected Transactions - Provision of Financial Assistance to Connected Person (79KB)
2020-09-07Announcements and Notices - Supplemental Announcement Major Transaction in Relation to the Acquisition of the Entire Issued Share Capital of and Sale Loans Due By the Target Company Involving Issue of Consideration Shares under Specific Mandate (98KB)
2020-09-02Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 August 2020 (438KB)
2020-08-25Company Information Sheet (GEM) (122KB)
2020-08-25Next Day Disclosure Return (193KB)
2020-08-21Announcements and Notices - Poll Results of Extraordinary General Meeting Held on 21 August 2020; and Share Consolidation and Change in Board Lot Size (58KB)
2020-08-18Announcements and Notices - Major Transaction in Relation to the Acquisition of the Entire Issued Share Capital of and Sale Loans Due By the Target Company Involving Issue of Consideration Shares under Specific Mandate (177KB)
2020-08-14Financial Statements/ESG Information - Interim Report 2020 (4MB)
2020-08-14Announcements and Notices - Announcement of Interim Results for the Six Months Ended 30 June 2020 (1MB)
2020-08-14Announcements and Notices - Further Delay in Despatch of Circular Relating to Major And Connected Transactions - Provision of Financial Assistance to Connected Person (39KB)
2020-08-04Announcements and Notices - Profit Warning (129KB)
2020-08-04Proxy Forms - Form of Proxy for the Extraordinary General Meeting to be Held on Friday 21 August 2020 (108KB)
2020-08-04Announcements and Notices - Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting (58KB)
2020-08-04Circulars - Proposed Share Consolidation Proposed Change in Board Lot Size and Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting (273KB)
2020-08-04Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 July 2020 (435KB)
2020-07-30Announcements and Notices - Notice of Board Meeting (117KB)
2020-07-17Announcements and Notices - Supplemental Memorandum of Understanding in Relation to the Possible Acquisition (59KB)
2020-07-16Announcements and Notices - Proposed Share Consolidation and Proposed Change in Board Lot Size (95KB)
2020-07-03Announcements and Notices - Further Delay in Despatch of Circular Relating to Major And Connected Transactions - Provision of Financial Assistance to Connected Person (44 KB)
2020-07-03Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 30 June 2020 (433 KB)
2020-06-30Financial Statements/ESG Information - Environmental Social and Governance Report 2019 (5577 KB)
2020-06-29Company Information Sheet (GEM) (135 KB)
2020-06-26Announcements and Notices - List of Directors and their Role and Function (92 KB)
2020-06-26Announcements and Notices - Poll Results of Annual General Meeting Held on 26 June 2020 and Retirement of Director (56 KB)
2020-06-24Announcements and Notices - Memorandum of Understanding in Relation to the Possible Acquisition (78 KB)
2020-06-15Company Information Sheet (GEM) (175 KB)
2020-06-15Announcements and Notices - Clarification Announcement (102 KB)
2020-06-12Next Day Disclosure Returns - Changes in Issued Share Capital (188 KB)
2020-06-11Announcements and Notices - Results of the Rights Issue on the Basis of One Rights Share for Every Two Shares Held on the Record Date (56 KB)
2020-06-10Proxy Forms - Second Proxy Form for the Annual General Meeting to be Held on Friday 26 June 2020 (116 KB)
2020-06-10Announcements and Notices - Supplemental Notice of the Annual General Meeting (54 KB)
2020-06-10Circulars - Supplemental Circular in Relation to the Proposed Re-election of Directors at the Annual General Meeting and Supplemental Notice of Annual General Meeting (263 KB)
2020-06-05Announcements and Notices - Further Delay in Despatch of Circular Relating to Major and Connected Transactions Provision of Financial Assistance to Connected Person (44 KB)
2020-06-04Announcements and Notices - List of Directors and their Role and Function (42 KB)
2020-06-04Announcements and Notices - Appointment of Directors (65 KB)
2020-06-01Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 May 2020 (437 KB)
2020-05-22Announcements and Notices - Supplemental Announcement to the Annual Results Announcement for the Year Ended 31 December 2019 and the Annual Report for the Year Ended 31 December 2019 (45 KB)
2020-05-20Listing Documents - Excess Application Form (761 KB)
2020-05-20Listing Documents - Provisional Allotment Letter (990 KB)
2020-05-20Listing Documents - Proposed Rights Issue on the Basis of One Rights Share for Every Two Existing Shares Held on Record Date and Change in Board Lot Size (439 KB)
2020-05-14Financial Statements/ESG Information - First Quarterly Report 2020 (3385 KB)
2020-05-14Announcements and Notices - Announcement of Quarterly Results for the Three Months Ended 31 March 2020 (676 KB)
2020-05-08Announcements and Notices - Further Delay in Despatch of Circular Relating to Major and Connected Transactions Provision of Financial Assistance to Connected Person (40 KB)
2020-05-08Announcements and Notices - Revised Expected Timetable and Delay in Despatch of Prosepctus Documents in Relation to the Proposed Rights Issue on the Basis of One Rights Share for Every Two Existing Shares held on Record Date (53 KB)
2020-05-05Announcements and Notices - Notice of Board Meeting (36 KB)
2020-05-04Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 30 April 2020 (434 KB)
2020-04-29Announcements and Notices - Supplemental Announcement in Relation to the Use of Proceeds of the Proposed Rights Issue on the Basis of One Rights Share for Every Two Existing Shares Held on Record Date (40 KB)
2020-04-27Announcements and Notices - Revised Expected Timetable and Delay in Despatch of Prospectus Documents in Relation to the Proposed Rights Issue on the Basis of One Rights Share for Every Two Existing Shares Held on Record Date (52 KB)
2020-04-21Announcements and Notices - Delay in Despatch of Circular and Appointment of Independent Financial Adviser Relating to Major and Connected Transactions (42 KB)
2020-04-17Announcements and Notices - Supplemental Announcement in Relation to Proposed Rights Issue on the Basis of One Rights Share for Every Two Existing Shares Held on Record Date and Change in Board Lot Size (49 KB)
2020-04-09Announcements and Notices - Proposed Rights Issue on the Basis of One Rights Share for Every Two Existing Shares Held on Record Date and Change in Board Lot Size (155 KB)
2020-04-01Proxy Forms - Form of Proxy for the Annual General Meeting to be held on Friday 26 June 2020 (52 KB)
2020-04-01Announcements and Notices - Notice of Annual General Meeting (59 KB)
2020-04-01Circulars - Proposed Re-election of Retiring Directors and Proposed Granting of General Mandates to Repurchase Shares and to Issue Shares and Re-appointment of the Auditor and Notice of Annual General Meeting (169 KB)
2020-04-01Financial Statements/ESG Information - Annual Report 2019 (6393 KB)
2020-04-01Announcements and Notices - Supplemental Announcement to the Announcement of the Annual Results for the Year Ended 31 December 2019 (40 KB)
2020-04-01Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 March 2020 (435 KB)
2020-04-01Announcements and Notices - Provision of Financial Assistance to Connected Person (118 KB)
2020-03-31Announcements and Notices - Update on Use of Proceeds (49 KB)
2020-03-31Announcements and Notices - Announcement of Annual Results for the Year Ended 31 December 2019 (390 KB)
2020-03-27Announcements and Notices - Further Postponement of Board Meeting (42 KB)
2020-03-23Announcements and Notices - Postponement of Board Meeting (38 KB)
2020-03-19Announcements and Notices - Supplemental Announcement Profit Warning (47 KB)
2020-03-17Announcements and Notices - Profit Warning (38 KB)
2020-03-11Announcements and Notices - Notice of Board Meeting (31 KB)
2020-03-02Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 29 February 2020 (433 KB)
2020-02-19Announcements and Notices - Appointment of Executive Director (47 KB)
2020-02-19Announcements and Notices - List of Directors and their Role and Function (32 KB)
2020-02-03Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 January 2020 (430 KB)
2020-01-16Announcements and Notices - Inside Information (40 KB)
2020-01-07Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 December 2019 (472 KB)
2019-12-02Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 30 November 2019 (471 KB)
2019-11-13Financial Statements/ESG Information - Third Quarterly Report 2019 (7806 KB)
2019-11-08Announcements and Notices - Announcement of Quarterly Results for the Nine Months Ended 30 September 2019 (361 KB)
2019-11-06Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 October 2019 (430 KB)
2019-10-28Announcements and Notices - Notice of Board Meeting (36 KB)
2019-10-02Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 30 September 2019 (472 KB)
2019-09-04Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 August 2019 (473 KB)
2019-08-19Company Information Sheet (GEM) (304 KB)
2019-08-19Announcements and Notices - Change of Address of the Principal Place of Business in Hong Kong (34 KB)
2019-08-13Financial Statements/ESG Information - Interim Report 2019 (5914 KB)
2019-08-10Announcements and Notices - Announcement of Interim Results for the Six Months Ended 30 June 2019 (412 KB)
2019-08-06Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 July 2019 (471 KB)
2019-07-29Announcements and Notices - Notice of Board Meeting (35 KB)
2019-07-03Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 30 June 2019 (470 KB)
2019-06-04Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 May 2019 (470 KB)
2019-05-23Announcements and Notices - Appointment of Compliance Adviser (38 KB)
2019-05-14Financial Statements/ESG Information - Environmental Social and Governance Report 2018 (5252 KB)
2019-05-14Financial Statements/ESG Information - First Quarterly Report 2019 (5271 KB)
2019-05-14Announcements and Notices - Announcement of Quarterly Results for the Three Months Ended 31 March 2019 (338 KB)
2019-05-10Announcements and Notices - List of Directors and their Role and Function (29 KB)
2019-05-10Announcements and Notices - Poll Results of Annual General Meeting held on 10 May 2019 and Retirement of Directors (51 KB)
2019-05-07Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 30 April 2019 (534 KB)
2019-04-30Announcements and Notices - Notice of Board Meeting (34 KB)
2019-04-03Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 March 2019 (470 KB)
2019-03-29Proxy Forms - Form of Proxy for the Annual General Meeting to be Held on Friday 10 May 2019 (52 KB)
2019-03-29Announcements and Notices - Notice of Annual General Meeting (56 KB)
2019-03-29Circulars - Proposed Re-election of Retiring Directors and Proposed Granting of General Mandates to Repurchase Shares and to Issue Shares and Re-appointment of the Auditor and Notice of Annual General Meeting (215 KB)
2019-03-29Financial Statements/ESG Information - Annual Report 2018 (8927 KB)
2019-03-26Announcements and Notices - Announcement of Annual Results for the Year Ended 21 December 2018 (433 KB)
2019-03-20Announcements and Notices - Profit Warning (40 KB)
2019-03-13Announcements and Notices - Notice of Board Meeting (35 KB)
2019-03-04Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 28 February 2019 (470 KB)
2019-02-28Announcements and Notices - Resignation of Compliance Adviser (38 KB)
2019-02-04Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 January 2019 (365 KB)
2019-01-04Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 December 2018 (364 KB)
2018-12-06Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 30 November 2018 (364 KB)
2018-11-13Financial Statements/ESG Information - Third Quarterly Report 2018 (6223 KB)
2018-11-09Announcements and Notices - Announcement of Quarterly Results for the Nine Months Ended 30 September 2018 (458 KB)
2018-11-05Announcements and Notices - Profit Warning (40 KB)
2018-11-02Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 October 2018 (364 KB)
2018-10-26Announcements and Notices - Notice of Board Meeting (35 KB)
2018-10-02Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 30 September 2018 (364 KB)
2018-09-14Company Information Sheet (GEM) (203 KB)
2018-09-14Announcements and Notices - List of Directors and their Role and Function (30 KB)
2018-09-14Announcements and Notices - Change in Directors or Change in Composition of The Board Committees (73 KB)
2018-09-05Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 August 2018 (364 KB)
2018-08-24Company Information Sheet (GEM) (202 KB)
2018-08-24Announcements and Notices - List of Directors and their Role and Function (30 KB)
2018-08-24Announcements and Notices - Resignation and Appointment of Non-Executive Director (120 KB)
2018-08-13Financial Statements/ESG Information - Interim Report 2018 (2519 KB)
2018-08-07Announcements and Notices - Announcement of Interim Results for the Six Months Ended 30 June 2018 (499 KB)
2018-08-06Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 July 2018 (364 KB)
2018-08-02Announcements and Notices - Profit Warning (41 KB)
2018-07-23Announcements and Notices - Notice of Board Meeting (34 KB)
2018-07-03Announcements and Notices - Change of Principal Place of Business in Hong Kong (34 KB)
2018-07-03Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 30 June 2018 (364 KB)
2018-06-26Company Information Sheet (GEM) (401 KB)
2018-06-26Announcements and Notices - List of Directors and their Role and Function (31 KB)
2018-06-26Announcements and Notices - Appointment of Executive Director and Non-Executive Director (113 KB)
2018-06-04Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 May 2018 (364 KB)
2018-05-14Financial Statements/ESG Information - First Quarterly Report 2018 (2772 KB)
2018-05-14Announcements and Notices - Announcement of Quarterly Results for the Three Months Ended 31 March 2018 (315 KB)
2018-05-11Announcements and Notices - Poll Results of Annual General Meeting held on 11 May 2018 (47 KB)
2018-05-08Announcements and Notices - Profit Warning (40 KB)
2018-05-07Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 30 April 2018 (364 KB)
2018-04-30Announcements and Notices - Notice of Board Meeting (33 KB)
2018-04-04Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 March 2018 (364 KB)
2018-03-29Proxy Forms - Form of Proxy for the Annual General Meeting to be Held on Friday 11 May 2018 (52 KB)
2018-03-29Announcements and Notices - Notice of Annual General Meeting (55 KB)
2018-03-29Circulars - Proposed Re-election of Retiring Directors and Proposed Granting of General Mandates to Repurchase Shares and to Issue Shares and Re-appointment of the Auditor and Notice of Annual General Meeting (127 KB)
2018-03-29Financial Statements/ESG Information - Annual Report 2017 (2385 KB)
2018-03-28Announcements and Notices - Announcement of Annual Results for the Year Ended 31 December 2017 (385 KB)
2018-03-15Announcements and Notices - Notice of Board Meeting (35 KB)
2018-03-12Announcements and Notices - Profit Warning (41 KB)
2018-03-05Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 28 February 2018 (364 KB)
2018-02-05Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 January 2018 (364 KB)
2018-01-04Monthly Returns - Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 December 2017 (365 KB)
2017-12-15Announcements and Notices - Shareholders Communication Policy (232 KB)
2017-12-15Announcements and Notices - Whistleblowing Policy (258 KB)
2017-12-15Announcements and Notices - Board Diversity Policy (96 KB)
2017-12-15Announcements and Notices - Terms of Reference Regarding Corporate Governance (84 KB)
2017-12-14Announcements and Notices - Procedures for Shareholders to propose a Person for Election as a Director of the Company (99 KB)
2017-12-14Company Information Sheet (GEM) (258 KB)
2017-12-14Constitutional Documents - Amended and Restated Memorandum of Association (715 KB)
2017-12-14Announcements and Notices - Terms of Reference of the Remuneration Committee (337 KB)
2017-12-14Announcements and Notices - Terms of Reference of the Nomination Committee (361 KB)
2017-12-14Announcements and Notices - Terms of Reference of the Audit Committee (452 KB)
2017-12-14Announcements and Notices - List of Directors and their Role and Function (165 KB)
2017-12-14Announcements and Notices - Allotment Results (400 KB)
2017-11-30Listing Documents - Green Application Form (867 KB)
2017-11-30Listing Documents - Yellow Application Form (1.4 MB)
2017-11-30Listing Documents - White Application Form (1.3MB)
2017-11-30Listing Documents - Listing on the Growth Enterprise Market of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited by Way of Share Offer (8.2 MB)
2017-11-30Announcements and Notices - Listing on the Growth Enterprise Market of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited by Way of Share Offer (116 KB)